Welcome to A/V Environments

A/V Environments is a custom electronics installation and integration company.
For over 25 years, we have serviced both residential and commercial clients, making us one of the oldest in the greater Cleveland area. We offer a wide variety of audio, video, data, and control solutions. Whether it's a simple surround sound system, or a complete house-wide audio and video distribution system, A/V Environments can deliver. Our team of experienced installers can find a way to turn your vision into reality.
Our company performs pre-wires in new homes undergoing construction, as well as custom retrofit installations in home additions, remodels, or virtually any completed home that exists today. While many firms shy away from retrofit projects, we have gained the reputation as the "Best in the industry" on these type of installs. A/V Environments is based out of North Royalton, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland. We are equipped to handle any project large or small. If you have a project in mind, give us a call, and we'll help make it a reality.
Video has come a long, long way.
Remember the days of VCRs with fuzzy tracking and rewinding? Old huge bulky TV sets with dim pictures? Let's talk about the present: Blu-Ray DVD players, Video Streaming, High Definition Television. We can put a projector not much larger than a shoebox on your ceiling that can project a beautiful picture more than 100 inches diagonal. Ask us about DLP, 3D, Motorized screens. Widescreen LCD TVs. Let's watch movies at home the way the director intended.
Can you get a great sound for a reasonable price? You bet.
The state of present day audio and video consumer electronic products can be summed up like this: This stuff is amazing! Once, there was mono. Then came stereo. Then a little thing called "surround sound". Today, you can blow the doors off your great room or Theater, without breaking the bank.
What can lighting control do for you?
Lighting control is a wonderful component of any audio/video or security system. You can use your home theater remote, to control the lights from where you sit! With a single press the lights dim, and the picture and sound come alive! Take it a step further and imagine controlling multiple lights around your house with the touch of a button on your remote, your car or even your smartphone or tablet!